Keytar Rokker Created by TrojanNemo, dedicated to the C3 Community For instructions on how to use, click on Help -> How to Use ------------------- CHANGE LOG: v2.1.0 - Several performance improvements and minor bug fixes - if you were experiencing latency issues try this version (changed to .NET Framework 4.8.1 so if you don't already have it Windows might prompt you to download it, it's free and safe to download) ---------- v2.0.0 - Added ability to play 5 lane keys (expert, hard, medium and easy when present in the MIDI) ---------- v1.3.0 - Fixed updater that broke when KeepItFishy got SSL certificate - Significant code cleanup and improvements ---------- v1.2.0 - Improved extracting and reading of DTA and MOGG files for increased speed and reduced hard drive usage - thanks to Maxton for the suggestion and code sample ---------- v1.1.0 - Added QuickAccess buttons (A, B, X and Y keytar/MPA buttons) to quickly change between four preset sound types and octaves - to customize the sounds, click on Options -> 'Customize QuickAccess buttons' and follow instructions - Added ability to resize the program to make the note highway shorter or taller, just drag the edges of Keytar Rokker to resize to your taste - don't forget to adjust the scroll speed accordingly - Added ability to play the keytar using your keyboard - either use the preset keys (Options -> 'Show keyboard shortcuts') or customize the shortcuts to your liking (Options -> 'Customize keyboard shortcuts') - A few other minor changes and tweaks ---------- v1.0.1 - Corrected pitches for Real Piano that were off 3 semitones ---------- v1.0.0 - Initial public release - See Help document for a list of features and how to use them